We know that shopping online can sometimes come with uncertainties, and we want to make sure you feel confident in your purchases. That’s why we’ve put together a clear and straightforward return policy to help you navigate any returns you may need to make.

Once your order arrives, you have a window of 5 days to claim and return any items you’re not completely satisfied with. We understand that sometimes things just don’t work out as expected, and that’s perfectly okay! Just remember, to ensure a smooth return process, items must be in their original condition and not tampered with. This means they should be unworn, unwashed, and free from any alterations.

If you find yourself needing to return an item, please make sure to initiate the return within that 5-day period. This helps us process your return quickly and efficiently, allowing you to either exchange for a different size or style, or receive a refund if that’s what you prefer.

We’re here to support you through the return process, so if you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we want to ensure that your experience is as seamless as possible.

Thank you for choosing us, and we appreciate your understanding of our return policy.